Old Age is Worse than Fascism | Starość jest gorsza od faszyzmu

Running time: 21'

Old age catches up with everyone, and there is no remedy for it. Stanisław and Maria, who live in Koszalin, were once the epitome of independence. Today, they are in their old age and struggle with the challenges of daily life. Maria, especially, an 83-year-old with a difficult character, frequently loses her orientation in the city and misplaces documents. Stanisław calls upon his daughter, Ewa, for help. Through the lens of a close camera, we follow the course of a merciless confrontation between Ewa and Maria. The women spare no cynicism or mutual accusations. Stanisław remains silent, seemingly powerless. The conflict between the women intensifies when Ewa discovers a shameful problem of her mother's. She seeks external assistance. The film showcases the importance of calling things by their name, particularly within the family. Facing difficult challenges together proves to be an immensely valuable therapeutic and unifying tool for family ties.



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