curator: Antoni Karwowski
Igor Bošnjak - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Trier Green 12 windows
- 2012 , 4’38” - 2011, 2’18”
Julia Bradshaw - UK / USA
I am English, I am English - 2007, 1’ 30”
Jasper Elings - The Netherlands
Sharing a beautiful sunset Flashings in the mirror
– 2009, 1’ – 2009, 1’16”
Ana Husman - Croatia
The Market - 2006 , 9'
Nick Jordan - UK
Nature House Inc Let the user speak next 12 Dogs
- 2013, 6’12” - 2006, 10’ - 2004, 2’30”
Kasumi – USA
Soundboard – 2011, 1’35”
Krzysztof Maniak – Poland
Album Untitled / przenikanie
- 2012, 1'5" - 2012, 1’44”
Jean-Gabriel Périot - France
Les Barbares (The Barbarians) Undo
- 2010, 5’ - 2004, 10’
Dagmara Pochyła - Poland
Promise Mandatorium
- 2013, 2’ - 2013, 3‘ 55”
Wiktor Polak - Poland
I would like - 2010, 4’52”
Rouzbeh Rashidi - Ireland
Homo Sapiens Project (1) Zoetrope
- 2011, 7’ - 2011, 73’
Van Royko - Canada
Habana Vieja - 2009, 4’2”
Chee Wang Ng - Malaysia / USA
108 Global Rice Bowls – 2008, 5’24”